Writing and Literature: The Islamic Period

Contributed By: Connor Seidenschwarz
Language of Presentation: English
Media Format: Downloadable File, Image/Photo, Webpage
School Level: Middle/High School
Institution/Provider: The Oriental Institute, The University of Chicago
Author: Michael Sells
Collection: Teaching the Middle East
Condition of Use: Custom Permissions

This module provides essays and lesson plans for teachers who want to explore the development of the Qur’an and Qasida, the rise of Arabic verbal arts, the renaissance of Persian and Turkic languages, and literary engagement with the challenges of colonialism and modernity. It includes the following essays:

“The Age of Voice (622–750 CE)”

“The Age of the Book (750–1100 CE)”

“Civilization and Crisis (1100–1500 CE)”

“Three Empires (1500–1900 CE)”

“Modernity and the Road to Independence (1900 CE–present)”

“What Comprises the Qur’an?”

“Is the Literature of the Middle East Arab and/or Muslim?”

“Can We Find a Unifying Theme in Middle East Literature?”

“Love and Desire in Middle Eastern Literature”

“Women as Authors” >

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