3rd International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Contributed By: Mahbuba Hammad
Organizing Institution: Sultan Qaboos University
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: November 3, 2016
End Date: November 5, 2016
Cost: Varies
Sultan Qaboos University


Connecting the Dots in a Glocalized World 2016 will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas in the four main disciplines of language, linguistics, literature and translation. As the title for the conference suggests, the aim is to focus on the relationship between global themes and local practices, highlighting the under-examined interactions that occur as globalization takes on negotiated forms in different contexts. With an emphasis on interdisciplinary studies and methodologies, the conference will centralize both research that theorizes the links between the local and the global and research that shows, through practical evidence, how local and global interact. Proposals that aim to address either of these two areas, and which emphasize exploratory, experimental research or reconstructed concepts, frameworks of analysis, or approaches, are particularly welcome.

Proposals which fall outside the focus of the conference, but within the disciplines of language, linguistics, literature and translation, will also be considered. The call deadline is April 11, 2016 and decisions will be announced by May 2, 2016. >

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Al-Khod, Oman
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