Language of Presentation: Arabic, English
Media Format: Downloadable File, Streaming Audio, Webpage
School Level: College/University, Elementary, Middle/High School
Institution/Provider: Play & Learn
Condition of Use: Fair Use for Education Description:
ÙÙدÙÙ Ùذا اÙÙس٠اÙخاص باÙتعÙÙÙ Ù Ù Ø®Ùا٠اÙÙØ¹Ø¨Ø ÙÙ٠جزء Ù Ù Ù ÙÙع Ø¥ÙÙترÙÙÙ ÙعÙ٠باÙإسÙا٠Ù٠غاÙبÙØ Ù Ùد٠ة ÙÙاÙØ© ØرÙ٠اÙأبجدÙØ© اÙعربÙØ©. ÙØتÙ٠اÙÙس٠عÙÙ 74 Ùراسة ت٠ارÙÙ ÙÙ Ù٠طباعتÙØ§Ø ÙتÙدÙ٠بعض٠٠ÙÙا Ùرصة ÙÙأطÙا٠ÙÙتدرÙب عÙÙ Ùتابة اÙØرÙ٠اÙأبجدÙØ©Ø ÙبعضÙا اÙآخر ÙÙد٠إÙ٠إتاØØ© اÙÙرصة ÙÙأطÙا٠ÙÙتعرÙ٠عÙÙ Ø´Ù٠اÙØرÙ٠اÙÙ ÙÙصÙØ© ÙاÙ٠تصÙØ© ببعضÙا اÙبعض. ÙأخÙرا٠تÙÙÙر Ùراسات اÙت٠ارÙÙ Ùذ٠اÙÙرصة ÙÙتدرÙب عÙÙ ØرÙ٠اÙعÙØ© اÙØ·ÙÙÙØ© ÙاÙتÙÙÙÙ. ÙÙÙÙر اÙÙ ÙÙع Ù ÙÙات صÙتÙØ© ÙÙ Ù٠تÙزÙÙÙا ÙÙتدرÙب عÙÙ Ùط٠اÙØرÙÙ.
Mainly an Islamic site for children, this section of Play & Learn provides an introduction to all of the letters in the Arabic alphabet. There are a total of 74 printable worksheets, some of which provide practice for children to write the letters and some intended for children to recognize the letters in their connected and unconnected forms. Ultimately, the worksheets also provide practice with long vowels and tanween and the site provides downloadable audio pronunciations of each letter.
Keywords: >
I chose this because teaching the children the arabic alphabet is very important. I find it both efficient and fun.
This actual resource is very useful for beginners in learning the Arabic language, fantastic way for practicing grammer, alphabet, pronunciation.
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