٠دخ٠إÙÙ Ùغة اÙÙرآ٠اÙÙرÙÙ ÙاÙÙغة اÙعربÙØ© اÙÙÙاسÙÙÙØ©
Language of Presentation: Arabic, English
Media Format: Print Publication
School Level: College/University, Middle/High School
Institution/Provider: Ibex Publishers
Author: Wheeler M. Thackston
Fee based $
Condition of Use: All Rights Reserved Description:
ÙØتÙÙ Ùذا اÙÙتاب عÙ٠أربعÙ٠درسا٠تÙد٠إÙ٠تطÙÙر ÙÙاءة اÙدارسÙ٠٠٠اÙ٠ستÙ٠اÙأساس٠إÙ٠اÙ٠ستÙ٠اÙ٠تÙدÙÙ Ù٠استÙعاب ÙÙاعد اÙÙغة اÙعربÙØ©. Ùست٠د اÙÙتاب اÙØ£Ù Ø«ÙØ© ÙÙتراÙÙب ÙاÙبÙÙ٠اÙÙØÙÙØ© ٠٠اÙÙرآ٠اÙÙرÙÙ ÙاÙØدÙØ« اÙشرÙ٠٠اÙ٠صادر اÙعربÙØ© اÙÙÙاسÙÙÙØ© اÙأخرÙ. ÙتÙÙÙر Ù ÙØªØ§Ø ÙØ٠اÙأسئÙØ© ÙÙÙ Ù٠اÙØصÙ٠عÙÙÙ Ù ÙÙصÙا٠ب٠ÙابÙ. تستÙد٠اÙدرÙس اÙخاصة باÙتساب اÙÙ Ùردات اÙ٠ض٠ÙÙØ© Ù٠اÙÙتاب Ø·Ùاب اÙÙغة اÙعربÙØ© اÙÙÙاسÙÙÙØ©.
This book contains forty lessons designed to bring a student from a basic to an advanced level of understanding Arabic grammar. Examples of grammatical structures are taken from the Qur’an, the Hadith, and other classical Arabic sources. An answer key to the lessons is available for purchase separately. Vocabulary acquisition in this book is aimed towards those learning classical Arabic.