UT Austin Curriculum Units and Online Resources

Contributed By: Connor Seidenschwarz
Language of Presentation: English
Media Format: Webpage
School Level: Middle/High School
Institution/Provider: College of Liberal Arts, The University of Texas at Austin
Condition of Use: Fair Use for Education

UT Austin has created classroom-ready curriculum units utilizing primary source documents, area studies content, and classroom activities for middle and high school students. Where possible, they have used primary source documents to allow voices from the region to speak for themselves, without filter, and to encourage students to develop skill sets in analyzing primary documents, reading for bias, and constructing a point/counterpoint argument.

All curriculum units are designed to align with the TEKS, and are closely aligned to national standards in history and geography.  However, UT Austin encourages you to adapt the activities to fit your classroom and your state standards.

Other instructional resources are available through this portal include the following:

Cairo: Living Past, Living Future

Egypt: A Land of Firsts

A History of the Jews of Turkey

Africa Enslaved: Comparative Slave Systems Outside the United States

Understanding Migration: Curriculum Resources for Texas Educators

People and Place: Curriculum Resources on Human-Geographic Interactions

Explorers, Traders & Immigrants: Tracking the Cultural and Social Effects of the Global Commodity Trade

Restoring Women to World Studies >

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