“Ø£ÙÙÙسÙر إ٠إ٠” (Ø£ÙÙÙسÙر اÙصر٠اÙÙظÙÙÙ ÙÙغة اÙعربÙØ© )- ÙاجÙØ© عÙ٠اÙØ¥ÙترÙت
Language of Presentation: Arabic, English
Media Format: Online Tools, Streaming Audio, Webpage
School Level: College/University, Middle/High School
Institution/Provider: Otakar Smr
Condition of Use: Fair Use for Education Description:
"Ø£ÙÙÙسÙر إ٠إ٠" (Ø£ÙÙÙسÙر اÙصر٠اÙÙظÙÙÙ ÙÙغة اÙعربÙØ© )- ÙاجÙØ© عÙ٠اÙØ¥ÙترÙت
ÙعاÙج برÙا٠ج "Ø£ÙÙÙسÙر إ٠إ٠" ÙÙ٠ات اÙÙغة اÙعربÙØ© باستخدا٠ÙضعÙات ٠ختÙÙØ©. ٠عج٠"Ø£ÙÙÙسÙر إ٠إ٠" ٠ست٠د ٠٠٠عج٠بÙÙاÙتر(Buckwalter). ÙØتÙÙ Ùذا اÙ٠صدر عÙ٠٠عÙÙ٠ات ٠٠اÙشرÙØات اÙتØÙÙÙÙØ© اÙÙØÙÙØ© اÙخاصة باÙشرÙØات اÙÙØÙÙØ© ÙتØÙÙ٠اÙÙغة اÙعربÙØ© عÙ٠طرÙÙØ© براغ طرÙÙØ© اÙرس٠اÙÙر٠٠اÙشجر٠( Prague Arabic Dependency Treebank) ÙØتÙ٠اÙÙ ÙÙع عÙ٠أربعة أدÙات ÙÙ٠أÙجاد اÙØÙØ Ø§Ùإعراب Ø Ø§ÙاشتÙا٠ÙاÙبØØ«.
ÙضعÙØ© Ø£Ùجاد اÙØ٠تÙدÙ٠تر٠Ùز ÙتØÙÙ٠صرÙÙ ÙÙÙ Ùردة اÙ٠دخÙØ© ÙÙ Ùطا٠اÙبØØ«Ø Ø¨ÙÙ٠ا تعرض ÙضعÙØ© إعراب تÙضÙØ Ùإعراب اÙÙ Ùردة أ٠اÙÙص ÙÙد اÙبØØ« Øسب اÙسÙاÙ. ÙضعÙØ© اÙاشتÙØ§Ù ØªØ³Ù Ø ÙÙ٠ستخد٠باشتÙا٠اÙÙ Ùردات اÙت٠تشب٠Ù٠٠عÙاÙا اÙÙÙÙ Ø© ÙÙد اÙبØØ« ÙÙÙ٠تختÙ٠عÙÙا Ù Ù ÙاØÙØ© ÙØÙÙØ© . Ø£Ù Ùا ÙضعÙØ© اÙبØØ« ÙØªØ³Ù Ø ÙÙ٠ستخد٠باÙبØØ« ع٠اÙÙ Ùردة اÙت٠Ùت٠إدخاÙÙا ع٠طرÙ٠اÙÙص اÙÙ Ùتبس ٠٠صادر اÙØ¬Ø°Ø±Ø Ù٠ا ØªØ³Ù Ø ÙÙ٠ستخد٠باÙبØØ« ع٠طرÙ٠اÙترج٠ة اÙØ¥ÙجÙÙزÙØ©.
ElixirFM process words of Written Modern Arabic using different modes. The lexicon of ElixirFM is derived the Buckwalter lexicon. This tool also has information from the syntactic annotations of the Prague Arabic Dependency Treebank. ElixirFM has four tools and they are: Resolve, Inflect, Derive, and Lookup.
The Resolve mode provides tokenization and morphological analysis of the inserted text while the Inflect mode lets users inflect words into the forms required by context. The Derive mode allows users to derive words of similar meaning but different grammatical category. Ultimately, the Lookup mode can lookup lexical entries by the citation form and nests of entries by the root; it also allows users to search in the English translations.
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