ÙÙعÙب اÙأطÙا٠ÙاÙأشÙا٠ÙاÙØ£ØجاÙ
Language of Presentation: Arabic, English
Media Format: Downloadable File, Streaming Audio, Webpage
School Level: College/University, Elementary, Middle/High School
Institution/Provider: al-hakawati Arab Cultural Trust
Condition of Use: Custom Permissions Description:
ت٠تص٠ÙÙ Ùتاب ÙÙراسة اÙت٠ارÙ٠اÙ٠عÙÙÙ "ÙÙعÙب اÙأطÙا٠ÙاÙأشÙا٠ÙاÙØ£Øجا٠" ÙÙأطÙا٠بÙد٠ت٠ÙÙ٠اÙأطÙا٠٠٠اÙتعرÙ٠عÙ٠اÙأشÙاء ÙاÙأشÙا٠اÙ٠تشابÙÙ. اÙتÙجÙ٠اÙ٠صاØب ÙÙ٠صÙØØ© ٠٠صÙØات اÙÙتاب ÙØ·Ùب تÙÙÙ٠اÙØ´Ù٠أ٠Ùضع خط تØت اÙØ´Ù٠أ٠رس٠دائرة ØÙÙÙ Øسب اÙتÙجÙ٠اÙÙ Ø·ÙÙب.
Toys, Shapes, and Sizes is a workbook designed for children. The objective of the workbook is for children to recognize similar objects as well as similar shapes. The directions that accompany each page of the book deal with either coloring, circling or underlining objects as determined by the directions.
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